Monday, May 22, 2017

Mbare vogghiu a canni ri cavaddu

Hey guys!! 

Subject line is in dialect haha. Italian isn't really that ugly :)

Currently on a road trip to Siracusa with the ZL's for an exchange with the sorelle there so stay tuned for next week :) It should be fun!

We worked our tails off this week and we've been able to see some cool miracles. We've had a ton of potential investigators these past couple weeks but haven't been able to meet with them again but this week we finally got our schedules coordinated and added several new investigators! 

Catania is really cool because there are so many young kids around our age. As a mission we've been really trying to focus on the golden age from mid-teens to the kid-twenties. This week we had a super fun activity with the youth and the YSA in the ward before institute and we invited all our contacts and investigators in that age group and we all played volleyball and ultimate frisbee at the church. We had a good turnout and it was a blast! 2 of our British friends Meredith and Neda came and seem interested in the church so we'll see where that goes! Also our friend Courtney from Washington state came and she's soo fun! They're all exchange students here for a year and are so cute. It's WEIRD teaching in English. Yeah, we teach africans and filipinos in English but it's different when they're Americans or British and our age haha. 

We were doing a mostra last night in centro with the elders and this guy walked by and spit on a Book of Mormon and was yelling some not very nice things at us and earlier in the week a lady did similar things as a big crowd of people was watching. Honestly my initial reaction would have been to yell back or get mad (the natural man in us) but it made me think about how people did the same thing to the Savior but instead of getting defensive and wanting to defend Himself or argue back, He just turned the other cheek and loved them. He was perfect and had dedicated his entire life to serving others. He had done nothing to deserve to be treated like that and had every reason to be frustrated but instead He asked His father to forgive them. That's true Christlike love and something I'm trying hard to develop because I'm far from perfect. I'm thankful for the mission though and the things I'm learning out here even though it's not always easy. Time is going fast and I am trying my best to continue to open my mouth and share the gospel with everyone that will hear it. I'm happier than I've ever been!!! 

Omni 1:26 says,
"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

I am so thankful for the knowledge we have of the Savior's Atonement and that He is just waiting for us to come to Him and turn our lives over to Him. He's waiting at the door but we just have to let Him in! Pray for ways to serve others and I promise you guys will be happier :) Loooove you guys!!

Con amore,
Sorella Hess

Via Genova 27 
Catania 95127 

Le foto: 
First and only district pic after volleyball!
Beautiful sunsets 🌅 
Cute Courtney :)
The elephant of Catania. Apparently it brings good luck!

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